Frequently Ask Questions

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EDIT Laser


Our laser light is attracted to the melanin in your hair. As this light transforms into heat, it breaks down your hair follicles, suppressing growth.

On average, you’ll have 6-10 sessions, 4-6 weeks apart. We’ll outline your bespoke treatment plan during your consultation. Some clients may wish to have yearly/bi-yearly top-up treatments to keep on top of any stray hairs which may occur.

Laser hair removal promises an 80% hair reduction. Any returning hair will be light, fine, and hardly visible.

No. Hair in the treatment area must be shaved and no longer than 1mm for the treatment to be successful. Hair should be shaved 24hrs prior to your treatment―so remember to put this in your calendar!

*Please note, future hormonal changes may increase hair growth

The use of Crystal Freeze technology and our built in cooling system means your treatment will be relatively pain-free! You may experience a warm, tingling feeling over sensitive areas.

Yes. Laser therapy works on all skin types.

Laser therapy is dependent on the melanin in your hair. Light hair colours have less melanin, making it difficult to suppress. Some light-haired clients achieve their desired results using several sessions –  this is something we’re more than happy to discuss.

No, unfortunately, you need to be 3 months post-pregnancy or breastfeeding to receive laser therapy.


The light from our YAG Q-Switched laser passes through the skin, breaking the tattoo ink into particles that your body then naturally disposes of.

We recommend around 6 sessions. However, every tattoo and skin type is different. We will create a custom treatment plan, leaving the required six-week interval for your body to dispose of ink particles.

Pain levels vary from person-to-person. We cool and numb the area before every session. And we will check in throughout to ensure your comfort.

Our YAG-Q Switched laser and advanced aftercare means the risk of scarring is minimal. You will likely experience itching, bruising, swelling, redness, scabbing, or blistering. This is part of the healing process and it’s essential you do not irritate the skin

Yes. Laser therapy works on all skin types.

Yes. The laser we use operates with 2 different wavelengths, the 1064nm which is used to remove black/dark blue ink and the 532nm which is used to remove coloured tattoos such as red, yellow and orange. 

After 6-8 weeks, once your skin has fully healed, you can get a new tattoo, or enjoy life with a healthy, clear canvas!

EDIT’s extra tip: Remember to drink lots of water post-treatment. Fluids help pigmentation exit your body faster.


The Carbon Laser Facial is a rejuvenating skin treatment carried out using our ND YAG Q-Switched handle and 1320nm attachment. The treatment helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles, pigmentation, blackheads, pore size, active acne and acne scarring. 

We combine laser technology with carbon paste for our revolutionary rejuvenating facials. This innovative combination exfoliates the epidermis and dermis levels (deep & surface-level skin), expelling excess bacteria and sebum.

We recommend 6 sessions for long-lasting results or to target a specific skin condition. However, you’ll be able to see improvements in your skin even after one! Each facial lasts around 45 minutes.

This laser facial is a non-invasive facial, meaning you won’t feel any pain. You may encounter a warm, tingling sensation in sensitive areas such as your nose or mouth.

A course of 6 treatments is required for the best results, however you will see results after just one session. The treatments will be every 4 weeks and future treatments may be needed as this depends on the results and your lifestyle

Yes, a consultation and patch test is required 48 hours prior to the first treatment.

The deep, penetrative nature of a carbon laser facial results in permanent skin improvement:

● Reduction in fine lines, wrinkles & pores.

● Increased collagen production, making your skin look younger for longer.

● Lessens acne & acne scarring.

● Brighter complexion, free of breakouts and skin damage.

After your facial, you may experience redness for a few hours. You’ll be able to apply your favourite make-up products straight away, but we suggest giving your skin a break so you can enjoy your glowing complexion irritation-free.

Edit’s Skincare Reminder: Always apply SPF 30+ after your treatment. And use aloe vera to soothe any irritation.


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